Monday, April 1, 2013

Serving and Getting Served

Hello, everyone! I apologize for my absence the past few days--I came down with something like the flu and never ventured off anywhere to get internet.  I had all of these cutesy Easter "What We Wore" posts in mind for Daniel and me (he was SO excited, I'm sure), because we had a three-part Easter planned.  

Friday night our church held a Good Friday service that I heard wonderful things about--I left work sick around lunchtime and couldn't pull myself out of bed. Daniel went by himself and said it was awesome. I was pretty upset.  I told him, "I'm going to wake up better tomorrow," and I was determined to do so.  

I got up Saturday telling myself I felt wonderful.  We were scheduled to serve in the preschool for the 4:30 service, and I didn't want to miss that.  Two year olds in Easter dresses and tuxes =  the best day ever.  My dad and brother were also headed to Fay to join Daniel and me for the 6 o'clock service.  Long, gross story short, I wasn't able to keep any food down, nor make myself eat anything.  After getting sick several times and blowing my nose three times that, I took a shower and got ready for church.

The preschoolers kept my attention away from how I was feeling, but when my nose started running down my face uncontrollably in the middle of the service, I admitted my defeat.  I didn't feel great. Still, I rushed to clean myself up in the church bathroom afterward so I could join my family for dinner.  In the car on the way there, I thought I might pass out.  I was starting to get chills and feel dizzy.  Daniel and I stopped by the restaurant and ended up leaving after two minutes so I could lie down. 

Daniel took care of me Saturday night as I thought I was going to freeze to death from my fever.  Such a weird feeling.  We were scheduled to serve again for two services Sunday morning, but I was still feeling straight up yucky, so he went without me.  It felt extremely strange to lie in bed all through Easter Sunday. I'm thankful I was able to attend the Saturday evening service, but I still felt weird not being there on THE DAY.  I found myself thinking, "But this wasn't the plan!" over and over out of frustration.

I started praying I'd still be able to focus on the whole point of Easter without being at church and doing what Christians do on Easter Sunday.  The Lord answered me quickly with a, "How often do you just rest in Me and My Resurrection?"  I realized I had planned what I thought was the right way to celebrate this holiday--by packing it full of good stuff without leaving a whole lot of room to meditate on the Lord and His perfect plan for His Son and for us.  Not saying we can't or won't be thankful for the cross and empty tomb while doing other things and celebrating with people, I just think I may have been missing how overwhelming they are with my weekend full of plans.  The whole point is, "HE IS RISEN!" It's not, "Jordan hangs out with little kids and takes her family to church and takes pictures of herself and her fiance in cute clothes." Nothing humbles me more and reminds me I'm only human than being sick and unable to do what I had planned.

I wasn't completely alone, though.  Like I said, Daniel took great care of me. He came back over Sunday afternoon with chicken noodle soup, a can of Sprite, and "Wreck It Ralph."  

Keeper, for sure.

Easter meal

Such a cute movie!

Daniel bought this for us a few nights ago.  It'll help us have a lot of cheap dates in the near future! We attempted to start on "List the themes for parties you'd like to throw," but I was kind of out of it and ended up falling asleep.

More wedding planning posts to come this week!

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